Vanity Teen Magazine

Vanity Teen -

 Read Vanity Teen magazine for interviews with the biggest social media influences, model's, Photographer's and so much more!

Vanity Teen -

Vanity Teen Information

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About Vanity Teen Magazine

 This magazine is filled with some outstanding, unique photography, with insight's to different  topics, so you know featured icons more personally. This can range from subjects such as equality, defining moments, deviating from the standard's, believing in yourself and much more. These interviews can act as inspirational, self help pieces, from some amazing individuals.  It feature's young artist's work of model's, from agencies all around the world. This gives you an opportunity to explore different elements of style, people and culture. The fashion included is all up and coming, with information on each image as to where you can find the clothing worn. This can help you shop the look and become inspired!    

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