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Improve Your Coarse Fishing Magazine

Improve Your Coarse Fishing - NO 415
Improve Your Coarse Fishing - NO 414
Improve Your Coarse Fishing - NO 413

 Improve Your Coarse Fishing is Britain’s number 1 fishing magazine

Improve Your Coarse Fishing - NO 415
Improve Your Coarse Fishing - NO 414
Improve Your Coarse Fishing - NO 413

Improve Your Coarse Fishing Information

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About Improve Your Coarse Fishing Magazine

 Did you know this is Britain's best-selling fishing monthly and it does exactly what it says on the tin - You'll find tips to improve your performance and style, plus ideas on how to increase your catch. Even better value for money, Improve Your Coarse Fishing is now split in two separate publications that complement each other perfectly. It focuses on developing your technique and helping you to increase the size of your daily catch. You’ll find a new slant on modern fishing as they offer a new emphasise on the great things about Coarse Fishing and celebrate why the readers go angling. In each magazine you can find the best in fishing photography, descriptive writing and longer features to let the pictures breathe. Each issue contains expert instructional features on float, feeder, pole, carp and specialist fishing so no matter what type of fishing the reader is interested in there’s something to put into practice. This publication offers a more relaxed read where every page reminds you how great fishing is. There’s now a 23-page tackle section that has doubled in size and gives a lot more exposure to new kit hitting the market. If you are looking at improving your catch, make sure you buy this magazine now.

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